7 SEO Bookmarklets to increase productivity

What are Bookmarklets?

Chances are that you are not a begginer so I won’t go much into details of what Bookmarklets are.

Bookmarklets are simply browser bookmarks that execute JavaScript in order to manipulate the current page. But since I’m not a developer and my JS skills are limited, you can read more on this freeCodeCamp article.

How to install

Creating or installing a bookmarklet is identical a regular bookmark, give it a Name that reminds you the function and in the URL field add the JavaScript code.

Three ways to create a bookmarklet.

  • Just drag and drop the shortcut in your bookmarks bar
  • Right-click on the Bookmark bar, then Add Page
  • Hit the shortcut CMD + D if you’re using a MAC or control + D if using Windows
edit bookmark

Site search on current website

This bookmarklet lets you do a site: search on the current website. You can find a complete guide on search operators and amend the following JS script as needed.

javascript: (function() { new Promise(setQuery => { var input = window.prompt('You\'re searching on the above site for:'); if (input) setQuery(input); }).then(query => { window.open('https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3A%27+window.location.hostname+%27+"%27+query +%27"%27); }); })();

Shortcut: Drag this into your bookmarks bar 👉 Site search

Open the current URL in ahrefs

This ahrefs bookmarklet is one of my go-to for opening the current URL in the Site Explorer with an Exact URL match.

javascript:window.open('https://app.ahrefs.com/site-explorer/overview/v2/exact/recent?target=%27+encodeURIComponent(location.hostname + location.pathname));

Shortcut: Drag this into your bookmarks bar 👉 Open in ahrefs

Open Google’s cache text-only version

This little gem allows you to see the current URL in Google’s text-only cache version in order to see what a web page looked like the last time Google visited it.

javascript:(function()%7Bvar loc%3Dwindow.location%3Bif (window.location.protocol !%3D "https%3A")%7Bloc%3Dwindow.location.toString().replace(%2F%5Ehttp%3A%5C%2F%5C%2F%2F%2C'http%3A%2F%2Fwebcache.googleusercontent.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dcache%3A')%3B%7Delse%7Bloc%3Dwindow.location.toString().replace(%2F%5Ehttps%3A%5C%2F%5C%2F%2F%2C'https%3A%2F%2Fwebcache.googleusercontent.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dcache%3A')%3B%7Dwindow.open(loc %2B '%26num%3D1%26strip%3D1%26vwsrc%3D0')%7D)()

Shortcut: Drag this into your bookmarks bar 👉 Google’s cache

Open in Google Search Console

This shortcut lets you open the current URL in Google search console with a query breakdown. There are a few applied filters such as:

  • Clicks
  • Impresssions
  • CTR
  • AVG position
  • Search type: Web
  • Date: Last 28 days

Shortcut: Drag this into your bookmarks bar 👉 Open in GSC

Open in Wayback Machine

Check a URL if it’s saved in Wayback Machine. If it’s not about curiousity and how a page looked like 10 years ago, then it’s about SEO advantage.

javascript:window.open('https://web.archive.org/web/*/'+ window.location.href);

Shortcut: Drag this into your bookmarks bar 👉 Open in Wayback Machine

Get robots.txt of current domain

Let’s you view the robots.txt of the current domain.


Shortcut: Drag this into your bookmarks bar 👉 Open robots.txt

BONUS: Open in Google Analytics

Say that you’re currently looking at example.com/page

Hit this bookkmarklet and it will open example.com in Google Analytics under “Behavior > Site Content > Landing Pages”


Just remember to change the Property View with the GA view that you want to associate it. In the code above replace “XXXXXXXXXXXXXX”

GA property ID

Take it a steps further?

Save these in your bookmarkets bar, use Alfred or Raycast (Mac users) to quickly search and use your bookmarkets. This gets you a GA view for each website, faster than you can blink.

Resources & Credits

About the author

Klaudio Fejzaj is the Co-Founder of PameDigital where he provides SEO Consultancy and Web Design & Development services with strategic leadership for the agency’s clients. Klaudio Fejzaj performs regular SEO experiments and A/B tests to better understand how search engine algorithms, such as Google, Microsoft Bing, work. Klaudio started his career back in 2015 in ecommerce and has since then worked with an array of clients and projects from B2C to B2B verticals.